Fort Collins Fringe Festival is turning 5 but the Fringe movement is turning 70!
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe was the world’s first Fringe back in 1947. Fast forward 70 years there are now more than 200 Fringes worldwide. 2017 marks 70 years since the birth of the Fringe concept.
Join us on World Fringe Day on 11 July 2021 as we celebrate Fringe reaching this incredible milestone, and the cultural connections that transcend national boundaries, demonstrating the connectivity of arts and culture through Fringes.
More information about the our Global Birthday Party here!
"We can’t wait to join with our sister fringes across the world to celebrate the wonder and joy of fringe festivals in this auspicious year. This is an incredible opportunity for fringe organizers, venues, participants and audiences to take part in a truly international celebration of creativity that will transcend national boundaries, demonstrating the power of arts and culture to bring people together. "
Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society